
Saturday 2 March 2013

Static In Java

Static in java covers the followings:-

  1. static variables
  2. static methods
  3. static blocks 

 Static Variables
  • Static variables belong to the the class and not to the object or instance.
  •  A single copy of the static variable is shared among all the instances of the class
  • Static variables are initialized only once .this initialization happens at the start of the execution. These variables will be initialized first before initialization of any any instance variables.
  • a static variable can be accessed directly by the class name  and does not need any object creation.
  • Syntax :- ClassName.Variablename

 public class Bicycle {
        private int cadence;
        private int gear;
        private int speed;
        // add an instance variable for the object ID
        private int id;
        // add a class variable for the
        // number of Bicycle objects instantiated
        private static int numberOfBicycles = 0;

 The class variable can be called by the class name itself:


From this we can know that they are class variables.

However we can also refer to a static variable by an object reference like 


But this is discouraged because it does not tells us that it is a class variable.

Static Methods 
  • It is a method which belong to  the class and not to the object or instance 
  • Static method can access only static data. it can not access non-static data such as instance or variables.
  • static methods can call only  other static variables and not any other non-static variables.
  • A static variable can not  refer to  this or super keyword in anyway.
  •  A static variable can be accessed directly by the class name and do not require any object or instance creation.
  • Syntax : - ClassName.methodName(args)

public static int getNumberOfBicycles() {
        return numberOfBicycles;

Static methods can be invoked without creating the instance of the class


You can also refer to a static method  like


But this is discouraged because it does not tells us that the it is a class metho

Static Blocks 

  • Static blocks are the blocks of statement inside a java class that will be executed when a class is first loaded into the JVM.. 
  • This initialization happens even before any instance of the class is created.

class Test{
    static {
        //Code goes here

* Note 


The static modifiers in combination with the final modifier can also be used to define constants.The final modifier ensures and indicates that the value of the field never changes .


static final double PI = 3.141592653589793;

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